#Suggerimenti Scuola

Tema svolto su Halloween in inglese: traccia su come l'hai trascorso

9 ottobre 2018

Traccia su Halloween in inglese: tema svolto

Gli insegnanti, si sa, non sono dotati di particolare fantasia. Magari per i professori di materie come matematica o fisica non è un gran problema, ma quando si tratta dei docenti di italiano o di una lingua straniera le cose cambiano. Per esempio questi ultimi sono soliti dare sempre gli stessi temi sui medesimi argomenti triti e ritriti: un risparmio di tempo per loro, ma sicuramente non è la stessa cosa per gli studenti che devono spremersi le meningi per trovare qualcosa di interessante da dire. Tra i titoli più abusati ci sono i resoconti su come avete trascorso le festività. Oggi vi proponiamo il tema svolto in inglese su Halloween e come trascorrerlo: troverete tutta una serie di indicazioni per costruire il vostro tema personale. Se cercate un tema in inglese sulle origini e tradizioni di Halloween o le tracce svolte in italiano su questa festa non perdete: Volete invece trascorrere un Halloween 2018 da brivido? Ecco tante idee per trascorrere una serata (e un ponte) all'insegna di paura e divertimento: Custom Tricks Sweet Lollipops Costumes Halloween

Tema in inglese su Halloween: introduzione

Halloween is one of the most loved holidays by young people. For obvious reasons Christmas is the most appreciated and waited for, but probably Halloween is the funniest of all. Since there are many things to do during the night, in the days preceding the celebrations there a lot of arrangements that keep one busy. What to then for the best Halloween night ever?

Tema su come trascorrere Halloween: svolgimento in inglese 

For example one should think very carefully about his Halloween costume. Could it be the same from last year? It would be a very easy and stress-free decision, but if you are a Halloween lover you are surely working on a new one, because probably your tastes have changed and you want to impress your friends.

You can visit a lot of shops to figure out which is the most suited for you, or you can tease your parents asking them to sew something very specific. If you don't have any ideas about the character or the monster you want to be you can always check the latest trends on social medias: celebrities and common people are prone to debate which are the best choices, and there are a lot of photos on Instagram to gather ideas from.

But if you want to throw a party at your place you should think also about how many guests you can invite. It's better to make a list of all the people you know and then you can reach a reasonable number by erasing the name of the ones you don't want to see (that's a little cruel, but necessary). And then it's time to start preparing your decorations and every kind of scary food.

Over the last years a lot of shops have started to sell every kind of gadgets and decorations, but it can be fun to make them yourself, if you are good at crafting with paper and cardboard. If you are concerned about the food you shouldn't worry, because usually at this kind of parties people prefere to indulge in junk food like chips, pop-corn, pizza, ice cream... and it is nice the re-create the same mood you can see in any american movie set in Halloween.

There are two things that a good party should not lack: the first one is a carved pumpkin (or a lot them) and the other one is some nice horror movies. It is not easy to find an entire pumpkin in Italy, but you can try at the market or some bio-shop. Then you should arm yourself with a sharp knife and start cutting the vegetable along the eyes, the nose and the lips, giving him the most terrible face you can imagine.

Regarding horror movies you can choose between the classic such Night of the Living Dead or The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and some more modern movies like Saw, The Conjuring or Insidious: take them from your local library or see if they are on Netflix or any other streaming service.

Traccia svolta in inglese su Halloween: conclusione

After all these preparations you should just turn off the lights, light some candles and wait for your friends: obviously the first guest can be welcomed by leaving the door partially open and with an horror sound effect downloaded from the internet. It's always better to start an Halloween party with a good scare!

Foto Copertina: Pixabay

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